

  • Member since January 2018

Name Game Role Type Participants Created On Progress
Quarantined - Arms Arms Participant DE 87 03-20-20
INITIALIZE_CODE Arms Participant Groups → DE 38 07-19-19
TCM Color Crash 7! Arms Participant DE 12 11-15-18
MWe | Champions of the Era 16 Arms Participant DE 14 10-12-18
MWe | Champions of the Era 15 Arms Participant DE 16 10-03-18
Champions of the Era 13 Arms Participant DE 27 09-21-18
Mega League Monday 43! Arms Participant Groups → SE 33 07-17-18
Wild Steam Rising Bonanza 3D Saga, a TMF Production Arms Participant Groups → DE 16 07-05-18
ARMS Randoms #8 Arms Participant DE 10 06-30-18
Salty Sparring Suite 3 Arms Participant DE 10 06-28-18
Mega League Monday 40 Arms Participant Groups → SE 25 06-26-18
Mega League Monday 39 Arms Participant Groups → SE 34 06-19-18
MWe Randoms #5 Arms Participant DE 24 04-15-18
Mega League Monday 31 Arms Participant Groups → SE 39 04-10-18
MWe Randoms #4 Arms Participant DE 22 04-01-18
Ramen Bowl 4 Qualifiers Arms Participant RR 17 03-14-18
Mega League Monday 25 Arms Participant Groups → SE 44 02-27-18
Mega League Monday 22 Arms Participant Groups → SE 51 02-06-18
Mega League Monday 20 Arms Participant Groups → SE 34 01-23-18
ARMS Allstar Championship | Tournament Sunday ARMS (Nintnedo Switch) Participant DE 8 01-18-18